Case Studies

NPS in a B2B Environment

Written by Stephan Sigaud | Aug 17, 2019

The Ask 

Phase 5 conducts a Net Promoter Score (NPS) Tracking Study on the B2B level for a large window and door manufacturer in the United States.

The program asks dealers and distributors to rate the company’s product, services and their experiences with key touch points. We also gather feedback on business impacts and the image of specific product-level brands. NPS is a key performance indicator for this company.

Over the years the client saw NPS increase which created the challenge of maintaining a high NPS score as opposed to just improving it. 

The Approach

  • The research involves online surveys conducted four times annually to cover two specific brands. Drivers of NPS are examined to help identify priorities for improvement. Many reports are produced and used by the company at each quarterly wave. For example:
    • a topline report tracks key survey metrics by brand, and highlights the latest wave of data relative to performance targets;
    • verbatim reports share open-ended comments made on several questions – this report gets tabled with the President;
    • historical tracking reports show trend data for 10 years, used to pinpoint deviations from historical norms; and
    • hot alerts are generated for dealers looking to action something specific and immediate with the company.
  • Over time, we have refined the reports to make them more useful and actionable for all stakeholders in the organization. We regularly offer guidance on ways to improve performance. Tools and methods are also adjusted each year to tackle new questions or emerging issues.

The Outcome

The insights we have been providing have helped our client stay ahead of customer needs and potential pain points and maintain their high NPS.

In summary the NPS Program we conduct has helped our client:

  • strengthen relationships with dealers and distributors;
  • identify priorities for improvement;
  • resolve time sensitive customer issues;
  • identify at risk customer accounts; and
  • quantify the impact of NPS on business results.