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Better Strategy Begins with Better Understanding Your Customers.

Our years of experience, keen understanding of business issues, domain expertise and methodological rigor are what sets Phase 5 apart.

Brand & Communications

Increasingly complex communications ecosystems and competitive pressures are making it harder for brands to stand out and succeed. Our brand and communications research team uses diagnostic and formative techniques to help your brand cut through the noise.


Whether you are working on an enterprise, line of business or product brand, we identify the insights you need to define and refine your brand’s positioning, ensure your communications are compelling, and build emotional engagement with your audiences.


Our customized brand tracking programs will keep your finger on the pulse of a constantly evolving media landscape with KPIs that drive brand success.

Related Case Studies

Brand Strategy

  • Personification
  • White space analysis
  • Brand positioning insights
  • Name and visual identity testing


  • Creative platform design and testing
  • Qualitative and quantitative message testing

Brand Health

  • Brand KPI tracking programs
  • Perceptual and brand mapping
  • Brand density measurement
Related Case Studies


Innovation is critical to your competitive health. Not only does your organization need a pipeline of ideas for enhancements and new offerings, you need to ensure customer insights are leveraged at every stage of the development cycle.

Our Innovation research leverages a range of research and consulting techniques to support customer-driven innovation.

Related Case Studies

Identify Unmet Needs

  • Market assessment surveys
  • Jobs-To-Be-Done framework
  • Customer Journey Mapping
  • Segmentation and personas
  • Market planning and segmentation workshops

Develop & Prioritize Opportunities

  • Co-creation sessions and DevShops
  • Concept testing research

Develop Effective Strategies

  • Bundling and pricing research
  • Positioning and communications research
  • Channel research
  • Marketing and product strategy workshops

Build Requirements into Offerings

  • Iterative concept testing
  • Pre-launch testing and online communities
Related Case Studies

Customer Experience

Implementing CX in an organization is often complex. We collaborate closely with you to simplify the complexity of building and implementing CX in your organization and help you achieve your CX-related goals in a customizable and scalable way. We generate stakeholder engagement, demonstrate ROI and write strategic & tactical plans with our strategic advisory services.


We help you understand the market for your product or service, its dynamics and what’s driving change to unearth and quantify new opportunities, identify the risks you need to manage and plot your positioning strategy.

Related Case Studies

Strategy Development

  • CX program audits
  • Strategy sessions
  • Enterprise-level CX design
  • Customer journey mapping
  • Benchmarking

Measurement and Insights

  • Customer Feedback & VOC (Voice of the Customer)
  • Advanced Analytics and Modeling
  • Data Visualization & Dissemination
  • Data Workshops

Implementation & Experience Design

  • Ideation Workshops
  • Usability testing
  • Prototyping

Alignment with Brand & Culture

  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Brand and CX linkage
  • Employee surveys
  • Workshops
Related Case Studies

Experience Strategy and Design

Whether you are designing an app, an online shopping experience or an interactive voice response system, we apply rigorous research methods to gain insight on users' mental model to create an effective design strategy.


We come up with refined design strategies that are inspired by your users.

Related Case Studies

Needs Assessment

  • Customer journey maps
  • Workflow maps
  • Persona development
  • Focus groups
  • In-depth Interviews


  • Stakeholder Interviews
  • Content Audits
  • Heuristics Reviews
  • Competitive Reviews

Concept Development

  • Card sorting
  • Wireframe development
  • Interactive prototyping
  • Visual design
  • Co-design sessions


  • Lab-based and remote user testing
  • Mobile user testing
  • Immersive virtual reality user testing
  • Online communities
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