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On October 28, 2020, Phase 5 Partners Steve Hansen and Michael Dolenko were pleased to be featured speakers at a NYPAY member exclusive event. Their presentation:
COVID-19 and the Changing Financial Consumer: Impacts and Implications for FIs
is now available to view and/or download.
In addition to sharing key findings of Phase 5's July 2020 study, the event included further discussion of the "so what" aspect of those findings, and the implications they have on decisions Financial Services companies are making today. Follow up questions included:
- What specific opportunities may exist for FinTech companies as a result of the pandemic?
- How might bigger FIs work with FinTech companies to serve emerging consumer needs?
- As spending declines in travel and entertainment categories, how might Payments companies strategically redirect resources and/or services to make up for this behavior shift?
If you missed the event, download the presentation and check out the video to hear our experts share their perspective.