Phase 5 Article Is a CMA 'Top 5 Pick' for September 2022
We're proud to share that our Insights article "UX & CX Should Work Together for a Sustainable Competitive Advantage" has once again been identified by the Canadian Marketing Association as recommended reading. The CMA featured Phase 5's article in their September 30, 2022 Top 5 Picks Newsletter, which identifies "weekly news and perspectives that impact marketing".
Written by Phase 5 EVP Marketing, Stephan Sigaud, and drawing upon the broad expertise of Phase 5 Partners including Andreas Noe, this article describes the similarities and differences between Customer Experience and User Experience; two terms that sound very similar, but are often managed very separately. While User Experience typically refers specifically to machine-human interface, Customer Experience tends to take a macro level view, including every interaction and/or touch point a customer has with a brand. As Stephan writes, "Good CX must have good UX, but good UX alone is not enough to deliver a good CX".
Digital transformation has made the customer experience increasingly tech-driven, but the article points out that some organizations still keep separate digital departments, a practice we recommend ending. That said, it is essential to know when a human touch is needed or preferred, an important insight that Customer Journey Mapping can help identify for a particular customer or segment.
Phase 5's expertise lies in bringing together research, analytics and design to help organizations become customer-centric through their customer experience and innovation strategies. We're pleased to have the CMA recognize this recent article which illustrates the value of integrating these concepts and objectives to develop and deliver better products, services and experiences.
To learn more and gain access to the supporting studies, check out the complete article.